
Lack of public toilets in Kawerau an inconvenience | News | Kawerau

Lack of public toilets in Kawerau an inconvenience 12 February 2016 PUBLIC toilets kicked off a Kawerau District Council meeting this week. Speaking at a public forum at the start of the regulatory and services committee meeting, Margaret Bradnock suggested installing public toilets in the town centre. She said the lack of public toilets in

Lack of public toilets in Kawerau an inconvenience | News | Kawerau Read More »

Local businesses wanted for Incubate programme | News | Kawerau

Sarah Ziessen who owns and runs Helium Gallery. Photo/Supplied A programme that helps businesses and social enterprises succeed and grow is seeking applications from Rotorua and Kawerau organisations for the next intake. Participants will receive one-on-one coaching sessions and group training modules to build business capability to help them on the path to success. Rotorua

Local businesses wanted for Incubate programme | News | Kawerau Read More »