Quality entries in woodskills | News | Kawerau

Quality entries in woodskills

30 September 2016


JINKET: Des Kendrick’s Logging Jenkit. D4294-34

THE National Woodskills Competition at Kawerau has been touted as the only one of its kind in the world.

In its 26th year, the 2016 exhibition last weekend included everything from giant sculptural carvings to tiny, intricately detailed art pieces.

National Woodskills Trust chairman Doug Logan said there were 145 entries across 15 categories this year.

Two pieces entered in the competition were from Queensland, Australia. The rest were from around the North Island.

Mr Logan said the judges concluded “the quality of the woodcraft was good” this year.

The woodcraft was displayed at the Ron Hardie Recreational Centre at Kawerau where the public could take a look at the pieces themselves.

Mr Logan said the event went extremely well and around 2500 people attended over the three days.

“The positive thing about that is we came out of it with a reasonable margin.”As a non-profit organisation, the trust would begin next year’s planning with money in the bank.

Mr Logan said he received plenty of positive feedback from visitors, who admired The Great Gatsby-themed set.

d4294-36-205x154-3906117 LOVE SEAT: Stoney Bay love seat by John Christenson. d4294-31-205x154-4736318 DISPLAY: On display at the National Woodskills Competition at Kawerau last week were all things wood created by Wanganui artist Des Kendrick. Photos Louis Klaassen D4294-31 d4294-40-1-205x154-5518826 FIRST PLACE: Bruce Cowley’s Pohutukawa piece, Carving, wins first prize in the open carving category. D294-40 d4294-51-205x154-9389988 RARANGA: Te Wheke, made by weaver Marsh Thompson, wins first place in the te mahi raranga section at the competition. D4294-51 d4294-10-205x154-8430139 PAINT: Kawerau artist Heather Kennedy works on painting the blade of a saw at the National Woodskills Competition at Kawerau last week. D4294-10 d4294-38-205x154-1618914 BAD CLOWNS: Sandy Cunningham’s Two Bad Clowns. D4294-38

Results of the National Woodskills Competition were:

  • Pinus radiata: 1, Jane Allnat; 2, Mervyn Bennett; 3, Allan Sanson.
  • Carving – open: 1, Bruce Cowley; 2, Joe Kemp; 3, Jane Allnatt.
  • Sculpture – open: 1, John Christensen; 2, Joe Kemp; 3, Joe Kemp.
  • Woodturning – first-time entrants: 1, Earl Hanson; 2, David Cameron; 3, Mervyn Laws.
  • Woodturning – open traditional: 1, Bruce Cowley; 2, Michael Walker; 3, Gavin Stillwell.
  • Woodturning – open artistic: 1, Bruce Cowley; 2, Earl Hanson; 3, Terry Scott.
  • Furniture – first timers: 1, Tom Santing; 2, Jacqui Knight; 3, Jenny Yan.
  • Furniture – open: 1, John Christenson.
  • Marquetry and Intarsia: 1, Dave Page; 2, Mel Wheeler; 3, Doreen Hooper.
  • Toys, models and games: 1, Earl Hanson; 2, Des Kendrick; 3, John Christensen.
  • Musical instruments: 1, Heather Campbell.
  • Miscellaneous: 1, Allan Sanson.
  • College students: 1, Joel Hannaford; 2, Dylan Ranstead; 3, Dylan Ranstead.
  • Tarawera High School: 1, Manaaki Teirney; 2, Hamene Teirney; 3, Glen Tyler.
  • Te Mahi Raranga: 1, Marsh Thompson; 2, Jill Fleming; 3, Marsh Thompson
  • Anything goes – public choice vote: 1, Jane Allnatt; 2, John Christensen.

Source: Whakatane Beacon