Community Ed spreading to Kawerau | News | Kawerau

Community Ed spreading to Kawerau

3 June 2014

COMMUNITY-LED education is spreading its tentacles further afield.

“It has been spreading like wildfire and we just can’t contain it to Whakatane any longer” said Pou Whakaaro manager Claire Pye of the hugely successful community education programme launched last year.

“Thankfully we are more than happy for the Kawerau community to share the highly contagious learning bug that has been sweeping through homes, schools and businesses in Whakatane for the past year.”

The programme began early last year and in 2013 there were more than 150 classes offered in Whakatane by community tutors.

Ms Pye said some Kawerau residents caught the bug themselves late last year while attending classes at Whakatane’s Te Tahi Street building and they have since been organising a small selection of courses in their home town.

Pou Whakaaro is now keen to get more classes up and running in Kawerau.

A public meeting will be held at Pou Whakaaro’s Kawerau building at 1E Tamarangi Drive on Monday, June 9 from 6pm onwards.

Anyone with ideas is urged to attend. For further information contact Sheryl Laws-Patangata on 07 323 8170.

Source: Whakatane Beacon