Painters on road to success | News | Kawerau

Painters on road to success

26 March 2015

Jordan Mason, 22, and Te Peeti Te Pou, 21, hail from Taneatua and Kawerau respectively are rapt with their new life in Christchurch. PHOTO SUPPLIED 

In a brave move to turn their lives around, two young Eastern Bay of Plenty men were among the first to take up the Government’s $3K to Christchurch scheme in July.

The aim of $3K to Christchurch is to support Work and Income clients who live outside the area to move to Christchurch to take up full time work there. The one-off $3,000 payment is to help with the move and getting established.

Jordan Mason, 22, and Te Peeti Te Pou, 21, hail from Taneatua and Kawerau respectively.

While they didn’t know each other a year ago, they had the same motivation to become employed. Enrolling for Job Seeker Support created an opportunity for Work and Income to refer Jordan to a Limited Service Volunteer (LSV) course at Burnham Military Camp during 2014. He met Te Peeti for the first time at Whakatane airport as they both were about to head south.

LSV is a six-week, hands-on training programme for young people aged 18-25, run by the New Zealand Defence Force on behalf of Work and Incom, and designed to improve job prospects, increase fitness, confidence and self-esteem while living in a military environment.

Jordan believes LSV gave him the support and motivation he needed to create more opportunities in his life. “My mum was always telling me that I needed to do more with my life,” he said. “She knew the destructive path I was on wasn’t getting me anywhere.”

Jordan graduated with the Police Mentor Most Effective Team Member award and Warrant Officer Medal for diligence and perseverance. He also had the role of ‘Kaea’ for the graduation ceremony.

Te Peeti wasn’t sure what he would gain from LSV when he was first approached to attend. “I wasn’t working and was just hanging around home,” he says.

Once Te Peeti was at LSV he knew it was no holiday and he’d have to take the course seriously in order to make it through. “I soon clicked on that listening and following instructions was the key. Plus I enjoyed the fitness and that helped.”

A job expo at the camp proved a turning point for both young men. Designline Bus Pacific Ltd was looking to hire and went along to LSV to showcase their business. “I thought standing on the parade ground and being told we had job interviews as trainee painters was the best feeling,” Te Peeti said. “But the best feeling came later when when we found out we had the jobs.”

With six weeks LSV training under their belts, financial support through Work and Income, and the moral support of their families, the two young men embarked on new futures with Designline . Jordan graduated from LSV clean and with no intention of going back to his old ways.

They both acknowledge that the $3K incentive to work in Christchurch was an integral part of them relocating. By pooling their resources Jordan and Te Peeti bought a car and also flat together. They started out on a three month trial doing bus repair and panel and paint from scratch. They’ve both taken up three-year apprenticeships which will see them qualify in this trade.

Te Peeti and Jordan can add another line to their growing CVs … ‘motivational speakers’.

Designline regularly release the pair to speak to new LSV intakes about their journey and both agree it’s a way of paying it forward. Designline factory operations manager, Des Cavill, has a soft spot for the pair.

“They’re hard workers and are held in high regard by supervisors and other staff,” he said.

Source: Whakatane News