Kawerau Web Site – Welcome to Kawerau.org.nz all about Kawerau in the BOP New Zealand

On this web site you can find Kawerau event information, links to other Kawerau Web Sites and the latest news about Kawerau New Zealand

“Most small towns in New Zealand had humble beginnings and Kawerau was no exception.

But no sooner had a basic wooden lavatory been erected in a paddock beneath Mt Edgecumbe in 1953, than an entire community sprang up.

Mobs of sheep that had been quietly grazing on the flat pasture gave way to trenches, bulldozers, railway tracks and row upon row of timber-framed homes.

And in the distance, the reason thousands of people had descended on this isolated part of the Bay of Plenty was also taking shape.

The mammoth Tasman Pulp and Paper Mill – one of the largest and most modern of its kind in the world – quickly began to dominate the skyline.” (extract from NZ Herald Article – Read More…)


Kawerau Events:-

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