Kawerau Night market treats hundreds | News | Kawerau

Kawerau Night market treats hundreds

3 March 2015

SHARYN Hei Hei tends her stall at the Kawerau Night Market on Thursday evening last week – the second-to-last market before daylight savings ends.

Organiser Ru Heather said the market, on February 26, hosted 30 stalls, included a number of stallholders who had not been to the event before.

She estimated 600 to 700 people visited Jellicoe Court between 5.30pm and 8pm and everyone mixed and mingled.

The town’s newly-revitalised Maori Wardens also supported the event and helped to set up and pack up, she said.

The final night market for this summer is planned for March 26.

Photo Louis Klaassen D1753-67

Source: Whakatane Beacon