Kawerau celebrates 60th birthday this weekend | News | Kawerau

Kawerau is one of New Zealand’s youngest towns and on the weekend of 29 and 30 March, it is holding its 60th birthday celebrations.

You are invited to join visitors from around the country and overseas to acknowledge the incredible town that has raised many famous New Zealanders.

A full programme of events is planned. Opened with a powhiri at Rautahi Marae and closed with a friendly barbeque at the town’s amazing free thermal hot pools, the weekend is packed full of activities to celebrate the birthday of the unique town.

There will be musical performances, displays, a Top Club demonstration, Generation Games, Happy Hour and an open mike session to tell ‘Stories of Kawerau’, dinner and a show (sold out), town tours, a combined church service, a retailers’ reunion and many other activities.

You can find out more on the Kawerau District Council website www.kaweraudc.govt.nz or on the Facebook page ‘Kawerau 60th birthday celebrations’.

Source: voxy.co.nz, 25 March, 2014