Kawerau business mentoring | News | Kawerau

Kawerau business mentoring

3 December 2014

KAWERAU Enterprise Agency’s Incubate programme, designed to support new businesses, will be back next year after a successful 2014.

Kawerau X Incubate is a 10-week programme that began in September with eight participating businesses or charity groups.

KEA executive director Helen Stewart said each group received business coaching, mentoring and training modules to build business capability.

She said the programme was designed to target micro and small businesses with 20 employees or less.

KEA was fine-tuning the programme before the next course in February next year and already had six expressions of interest.

Ms Stewart said Incubate took KEA back to its roots of helping new businesses.

“If we can get existing organisations to be more successful and grow it will create new jobs for the people that live here,” she said.

At the end of the programme participants could be eligible for additional business development training and one-on-one business coaching.

Source: Whakatane Beacon