Whether you are just visiting or looking to relocate here or start a business, our ambassadors are here to provide guidance and support. Kawerau Ambassadors are proud locals ready to help you find the information you need or get the best out of your stay.
Kawerau Enterprise Agency (KEA) aims to support and grow businesses in Kawerau. In recent years, KEA has aligned its strategic direction to include a greater focus on business retention and maximising business opportunities. KEA does this in a number of ways:
- supporting current ventures;
- facilitating establishment of new ventures;
- sharing knowledge and information;
- maximising employment and training opportunities; and
- working with other agencies and organisations.
For queries or support regarding a business venture, commercial real estate or employment opportunities, contact our Business Ambassador – Helen Stewart.
Helen Stewart Executive Director Kawerau Enterprise Agency Incorporated 60 Onslow Street, Kawerau 3127 PO Box 119, Kawerau 3169 Phone: (07) 323 7377 helen@kea.org.nz www.kea.org.nz |
Kawerau is Helen’s turf and its business and the community are her passion.
Helen has been Executive Director of KEA since 2002. She takes an active and very hands-on role in the economic and community development of Kawerau, and has networks extending across New Zealand.
Helen’s commercial experience and business acumen enables KEA to focus on its goals and to drive forward in a changing and developing Kawerau environment.
Sightseeing and local activities Ambassador
There is an abundance of things to do within the Kawerau District, whether it be more physical activities or places and sights.
For a personal approach in getting to know Kawerau, contact our friendly local ambassadors – Graham Goodall, Ray Barton and Bill Gobson.
All three Ambassadors are involved in many community projects within the Kawerau District and have great experience with local history, knowledge and sights.