Kawerau Directory | Find Services in Kawerau

Free dentistry  for everyone under the age of 18 years.

Same day crowns and large restoration done with a CADCAM machine.

Address: Tarawera Court, Kawerau

Phone: 07 323 6530

Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 8.00 am – 5.00 pm and 9.00 am – 2.00 pm Saturday only.

Budget Advisory Rangitaiki Inc

Free and confidential budgeting advice, provided by trained Budget Advisors.

No appointment required.

Address: 12 Ranfurly Court, Kawerau

Phone: 07 323 6553

Opening Hours: Tuesday’s 9.30 am – 3.30 pm, Wednesday’s 9.30 am – 1.00 pm, Friday’s 9.30 am – 12.30 pm

Disability Resource Centre Trust

The Disabilities Resource Centre Trust provides a range of health, wellbeing and support services catering for people with a huge range and level of disabilities, along with offering fully-equipped conference facilities for use by the entire community.

Their services are tailored to meet the needs and goals of the many hundreds of people with disabilities whom they assist every day.

Their Mission: assisting people with disabilities to achieve their goals.

Services include:

·        Home Care Services

·        Community Services

·        Advocacy

·        Information

·        Equipment

·        Adult Literacy Services

·        Vocational and community activities

·        Independent living service, support net, Kupenga Hao i te Ora

·        Visiting Hearing Therapist

·        Field officers including: Brain Injury Liaison Officer, Post-polio Field Officer, Respiratory Field Officer for COPD, ME/CFS Field Officer.

Address: KEA Centre, 60 Onslow street, Kawerau

Openng Hours: Every Tuesday from 9.00 am – 12.00 pm

Eastbay REAP

EastBay REAP – Rural Education Activities Programme – He Poutoko Matauranga

What can Eastbay REAP do to support your learning or community needs?

·        Literacy and Numeracy Support

·        Schools Support

·        Early Childhood Centre Support

·        Environmental Education

·        Driver Education

·        Adult and Community Courses

·        Parents as First Teachers (PAFT)

·        Safer Kawerau Kids Injury Prevention Programme (SKKIPP)

·        Computer Literacy

·        Certificate In School Based Literacy

·        Assistance with Conference & Seminar Facilities, Rooms to suit 1 – 50 people

Eastbay REAP helps connect the community to lifelong learning through educational programmes, courses, resources and events for educators, parents, whanau (family), groups and individuals.

We support learning across all ages and life stages, from early childhood and schools to adult and community-based education.

Address: Heartland Service Centre, KEA Centre, 60 Onslow Street, Kawerau

Phone: 07 323 8608

Opening Hours: Monday to Friday, 8.30 am – 4.30 pm

Family Start Kawerau

Nga whainga – The goals of Family Start

·        The well-being of children so that they have the best possible start in life

·        Positive Parenting – support, encouragement and assistance with parenting skills

·        Improved circumstances for parents through support, information, advocacy, education and links with others

Ma wai tenei hotaka timatatanga whanau? – Who is Family Start for?

Women who are in their early trimester of pregnancy


Families with a child up to 1 year of age;

Whanau who live in the Kawerau and Onepu district.

Whanau who meet the criteria will be referred to Family Start. Family Start is a child-centered and whanau-focused service. Family Start is funded by the Ministry of Social Development.

Please ask for any further assistance or information if required.

Address: 28/30 Islington Street, Kawerau

Phone: 07 323 8025

Opening Hours: Monday to Friday, 8.30 am – 4.30 pm